Telum Talks To... Dean Mellor, Editor, Australian Motorcycle News

Telum Talks To... Dean Mellor, Editor, Australian Motorcycle News

Congratulations on 70 years of Australian Motorcycle News (AMCN)! How are you celebrating this milestone?
We are celebrating with a special 212-page 70th Anniversary issue which is on sale now, and remains on sale until 4th August 2021. This special issue not only provides a more detailed insight into the incredible history of AMCN, but also takes a look at how motorcycling has evolved over the past 70 years, and how Australian riders have had a huge impact on the world stage. The magazine also takes a peek into the future of motorcycling.

Tell us a bit about the history of the magazine.
It was way back on 1st June 1951 that the very first issue of what was then called The Victorian Motor Cycle Weekly was published by George Lynn, making what we know today as AMCN the oldest surviving motorcycle magazine in the world. Incidentally, AMCN is also Australia’s second-oldest magazine, after The Australian Women’s Weekly (1933).

George’s aim to fulfill the needs of motorcyclists is still one of AMCN’s guiding principles, although these days - in addition to race reports and news stories from around the globe - the fortnightly publication also contains feature articles, interviews, technology stories, motorcycle destinations, gear tests and much more.

How has the motorcycling industry changed over the last 70 years?
The motorcycle industry is in a constant state of change, with motorcycle development progressing through new technologies and materials, as well as government legislation. Of course, change is also driven by consumer tastes and demands, which has resulted in a wide array of motorcycles that cater to many different riders and their chosen pursuits, including cruisers, tourers, adventure bikes, sportsbikes and dirtbikes, to name just a few.

Despite changes, there is one constant: the passion motorcyclists have for their machines.

Do you have a favourite edition of AMCN?
The most recent issue is always my favourite, particularly in the case of our bumper 70th Anniversary issue, as it delves so deeply into the magazine’s past and reveals so much about its Founder and the people who were pivotal in its evolution over seven decades.

What excites you about the future of motorcycles?
The pace of technological development is staggering right now. A decade ago, manufacturers put a self-imposed top-speed limit on new bikes, but since then, bikes have improved so much in every aspect, including acceleration, braking, handling, comfort, and safety. 

The next big thing is the development of electric motorcycles. There are already a couple of great examples on the market, and they offer performance comparable to their petrol-powered siblings, but with zero emissions. Battery range is still limited, however, and electric bikes are prohibitively expensive at the moment. But once battery technology and charging infrastructure improves, and the prices come down, there’s no doubt electric motorcycles will become mainstream.

Are you interested in hearing from PRs about anything in particular?
We always like to hear about anything related to motorcycles, whether that's about the bikes themselves, associated equipment, new products, racing news or events.

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Dean Mellor


Australian Motorcycle News

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