
Telum vox pops: What journalists want from PRs in the new normal

By Muhammad Arby

Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to communication. Six media workers in Indonesia share their opinions on the best ways for public relations professionals to communicate with them in the ‘new normal’ era

Six media workers in Indonesia share their opinions on the best ways for public relations professionals to communicate with them in the ‘new normal’ era.

Valerie Dante from alinea.id thinks that PRs already understands the needs of journalists. "When events are done, PRs have been prompt in sending press releases as follow up. They’ve also sent me resources such as photos or sometimes, videos," she said.

As Co-Founder and Co-Host of the Journalist X Lawyer podcast, Glenn Wijaya shares his preferences when working with PRs. "We speak with both foreigners and Indonesians, no problem. And we prefer to cover journalists and lawyers with unique roles," he added.

While Natalia Bulan Retno Palupi explained that TribunnewsWiki.com is happy to receive pitches about prominent figures at regional or national level. "Like actors, actresses, artistes, singers or people whose are in professions with a major influence in the community."

Vanita Dewi Prastiwi from Detik.com and Elvi Robiatul Adawiyah from Rilis.id have other opinions.

Vanita considers the COVID-19 outbreak as a really tough test for PRs. "Relationships that we have built can be strengthened by using video call applications," she said.

Meanwhile, Elvi reminded that Indonesia is not yet free from COVID-19. "PRs should provide a good network. They also should give enough lead time to journalists, when providing information.”

The Jakarta Post’s journalist Ramadani Saputra (also known as Dani) gives suggestions to PRs who are looking to collaborate with him.

"In my opinion, PRs should not only contact the journalist by sending press releases with requesting for them to be published. Because, honestly, I am not comfortable with that kind of attitude. Whether stories are to be published or not is a decision for the editorial team and my Editor at The Jakarta Post," said Dani.

"So, thanks for sending the press releases, but I think it’s not necessary to include a 'demanding' message such as that. Thank you."

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Elvi Robiatul Adawiyah

Editor and Reporter

Valerie Dante

Ramadani Saputra

Web Editor

Natalia Bulan Retno Palupi

Glenn Wijaya

Vanita Dewi Prastiwi

Engagement Coordinator

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