Publication Profile: Sh*t You Should Care About

Publication Profile: Sh*t You Should Care About

By Cindy Paskalina Kweesar

Answers submitted by Lucy Blakiston, Founder of Sh*t You Should Care About

Tell us about Sh*t You Should Care About (SYSCA) and how it got started.
SYSCA is an independent media company run by a couple of 25 year-olds who just want to help make a bit more sense of the world. It started in 2018 from the back of a lecture theatre and is now a universe of newsletterspodcasts, and a social media following of over 3.5 million people. 

How has SYSCA grown since its launch?
It went from a WordPress blog to an Instagram account, to a podcast, to multiple podcasts, to a daily newsletter, to numerous newsletters, and it's growing! Today we have over 3.5 million Instagram followers, 80,000 daily newsletter readers, and get hundreds of thousands of podcast downloads each month. 

Are there any unexpected trends you've noticed that you find interesting?
When it comes to a subscription model, people will read or listen to your stuff for free, but they'll pay to be a part of a community. They can get the news anywhere, it's the friendship that's the important part!

What media do you enjoy listening to that may have inspired the creation of SYSCA?
I love the newsletters Embedded and Hung Up, and the podcast Shameless (though I think we may have been around before most of these were!).

What are some tips for Gen Z who wish to jump into podcasting?
Not just podcasting, but across the board - just START. We bought cheap mics and used free software to edit (we still use all the same equipment) and do most of it from our bedroom floors! Don't get bogged down in the planning. If you throw enough sh*t at the wall, something will stick.

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Lucy Blakiston


Shit You Should Care About

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