Thansettakij officially launches Climate Center
Media update

Thansettakij officially launches Climate Center

Thansettakij held an official launch of the Climate Center, a news outlet dedicately focuses on climate change, on 25th March 2024, with Mr. Baakbun Boonlert, Executive Vice President at Nation Group (Thailand) Public Company Limited and Chairman of Thansettakij Multimedia Company Limited gave opening speeches and introduced the news outlet and its team. 

The Climate Center will focus on "awaking, adapting, changing" to advance the Net Zero goal by presenting issues to raise society's understanding and awareness. It aims for each and every sector to adapt and improve in their area, as well as gather and communicate ideas and knowledge from every sector that will help drive change towards a sustainable world. The news outlet is lead by Pichet Choorak, Editor / Director of the Climate Center.

Follow the content of the Climate Center at and on social media channels Facebook, X, and TikTok.

Read the full news at Thansettakij website here. Watch the video from the event here.

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