Telum Talks To...Olympia Kwitowski, Announcer at 4BC

Telum Talks To...Olympia Kwitowski, Announcer at 4BC

By Kristy Nguyen

What does a day in the life of an Announcer at 4BC look like?
Monday to Friday is pretty standard. I start work with my first live-to-air report at 5.34am and I do live traffic reports every 10 minutes during the Breakfast show. I'm constantly monitoring the roads and compiling comprehensive traffic reports to deliver. 

On Sunday, I get in early to look at the news of the day and prepare for the show. Being an early Sunday morning show, my producer and I have most things already lined up but depending on what has happened overnight, we might get a 9 News reporter lined up to tell us about a breaking news story. 

You've worked at 4BC for several years in various roles. How did you get your start in the industry?
I basically fell into it. I never set out to work in radio and was pretty much thrown in the deep end and made to swim! I may have even googled "How to be a Radio Producer" on my first day! I started at 4BC as a Casual Producer so I would work on all the shows. Some days I would even produce Breakfast then the Afternoons programme straight after.

I did my first live cross-on-air as a Roving Reporter at a local event in Brisbane a month or two into starting, and I remember being super nervous because the host was a radio legend. He crossed to me and I just started talking and painting a picture of what was going on. That's when I felt a real buzz and knew that this was something I wanted to do. I was then asked to do more and more on-air crosses back to programmes and live reads for advertisers. 

What's your favourite part about working in radio?
Firstly, it's been working with wonderful announcers who have taught me so much and helped shape me into the broadcaster I am today. Secondly, it's been meeting some very inspiring people who have done wonderful things.

Working in radio is also what made me start my MC business. After a few requests for me to MC various events while working in radio, I thought why not make this something I start offering? I began MC-ing events after a change to the lineup at 4BC with the Nine merger in 2019. Since then, I've MC-ed close to 100 events and I'm now booking interstate events. 

With Christmas around the corner, are there any programming changes or events you're looking forward to?
The station goes into holiday mode with changes to the weekday lineup a few weeks before Christmas. Nothing changes for me though. I won't be working Christmas Day this year but I've enjoyed working them over the past six years. I'm looking forward to getting down to Sydney to MC an event in mid-December. 

Any advice for PRs hoping to send over pitches?
Personalise your pitch as much as you can. No one likes to receive a generic bulk email. Show that you have put in some work and have knowledge of the show's demographic, and the announcer's style and interests.  

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Olympia Kwitowski



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