
Telum Media Webinar Recap: Oil Price Information Service

With environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors being more prevalent in the oil and gas industry, how can communicators balance telling their client's stories, while not overstating the impact of the projects?

Telum Media chatted with Steve Tan, VP Strategic Content of Oil Price Information Service (OPIS), and here are some key questions covered in the webinar:

- What do oil pricing agencies have to do with ESG?
- How can people get involved in the conversation, and navigate through this space?
- In terms of green hushing, should a company still publicise their green efforts?
- For communicators already working in this space, are they going in the right direction, or can they do better?
- Would blockchain / AI / cloud technology play a more important role in the energy transition?
- Profiles that OPIS would like to speak with or hear from and its watchlist.
- How PRs can approach OPIS?

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