Daily News launches a new section on sustainability, Sustainable Daily, covering all platforms
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Daily News launches a new section on sustainability, Sustainable Daily, covering all platforms

The Daily News newspaper launched a new section, Sustainable Daily, in print and all online media channels. It aims to be "Media For Change" and helps drive the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A dedicated space is opened to present news on every aspect of sustainability, through various columns filling the entire space on page 4 of the printed edition every Tuesday to Friday and online on every channel every day. After launching the Sustainable Sunday page last April and receiving great feedback from readers, companies, agencies, and people working in the sustainability field. The content includes columns; “CEO Forum, Leaders…toward Sustainability” - opens space for executives to express their vision in many areas, “Rob Roo Sustain” -  the hub for ​​all sustainability news and knowledge, “Knowledge Around the World” - presents sustainability news from around the globe, and “How To Change” - sharing knowledge and practices that drive change and helps create sustainability, etc. In addition, the top stories are displayed on the front page. There will also be QR codes for news links from the Sustainable Daily page to Daily News online for readers to be able to read it on all platforms.

Read the full details and interviews with Daily News executives and editors here.

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