Telum Vox Pop: World Mental Health Day 2023

Telum Vox Pop: World Mental Health Day 2023

By Erin Assur

To commemorate World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10th October, Telum Media asked editors in the Human Resources space about their tips for new journalists on achieving a work-life balance in the media industry.

Emily Douglas, Executive Editor of HRD
Managing the work-life balance as a journalist is difficult, especially in remote work. It can be tempting to work all day and overreach just to hit deadlines and make the following day’s workload a bit lighter. Don’t be tempted into this. It’s vital that you prioritise your own self-care and take time out of the day for yourself. It might be reading a book, going for a walk, cooking some lunch, or even just closing your eyes for 30 minutes.

While journalism can be a cut-throat industry, and it’s important to always keep your eye on the ball, you’re not going to fall behind just by taking some time for yourself. In fact, in the long run, it will actually help your career - not hinder it.

Jo Knox, Editor of HR Daily
I oversee five articles a day, so deadlines are pretty much a constant source of stress. Then there’s the 100+ pitches every day which, combined with follow-up emails (don’t get me started!), can frankly be really overwhelming.

To keep my mental health in check, I try to do the following:
  • Use checklists to keep priorities in order so things don’t become overwhelming.
  • Be ruthless about which pitches we do and don’t use. I’d love to respond to everyone, and cover every story, but it’s just not possible.
  • Exercise every day. I’ve finally accepted that the benefits of physical exercise really do outweigh the inconvenience / pain!

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